What about Linux-on-Mac?

Steve Roy yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 06 Sep 2004 12:48:40 -0400

On Sep 6, 2004, at 10:05 AM, Zugwrack wrote:

> Or better yet just use the opendarwin project to use the same
> applications that are run in linux, except they have been ported to
> run on the darwin layer in OS X.

This is all very cool but missing the point, which is that I need to 
run the Java software I develop in a complete Linux environment.

It's interesting that Linux can run on an iPod and that Linux can host 
Mac OS X, but not the opposite. I would love to see the iPod driven by 
Mac OS X Lite instead of the closed OS it currently use. And to stay on 
point, I think it would be tremendously useful to be able to run Linux 
within Mac OS X. The reason it hasn't been done yet is probably that 
the Linux developer community is probably bigger than the Mac OS 
X/Darwin community.


Steve Roy <sroy@mac.com>
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