YDL-FAQ on mounting a Mac partition in YDL

Clinton MacDonald yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 08:11:56 -0500

Mr. Hirschfeld:

R. Hirschfeld wrote:
> OK, looks fine--I hope others find it helpful. It would
> perhaps be better to move the sentence about HFS+ to the
> end and add a second sentence to it: "Unlike HFS, HFS+
> includes file owner, group, and permissions, which are used
> by OS X (but not by OS 8 or 9)."
> [...]

Great. I will include these suggestions.

Of course, when the YDL FAQ emerges from "alpha" status, you will be 
able to make the corrections directly, without having to consult me. 
When the community is all aboard with a project (like the YDL FAQ), this 
can lead to amazing results, like the excellent Wikipedia:


Best wishes,

Dr. Clinton C. MacDonald | <mailto:clint DOT macdonald AT sbcglobal DOT net>