YDL-FAQ on mounting a Mac partition in YDL

R. Hirschfeld yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 7 Sep 2004 10:25:19 +0200

> Date: Mon, 06 Sep 2004 08:55:28 -0500
> From: Clinton MacDonald <clint.macdonald@sbcglobal.net>
> I have incorporated your corrections (thanks!) and quoted the relevant 
> parts of your post as an addendum to the FAQ. I think it works quite well:

OK, looks fine--I hope others find it helpful.  It would perhaps be
better to move the sentence about HFS+ to the end and add a second
sentence to it: "Unlike HFS, HFS+ includes file owner, group, and
permissions, which are used by OS X (but not by OS 8 or 9)."

One more minor comment: In your sentence "Mac OS 8.1, 9, and X can
read..."  it's not clear that this also applies to later versions of
OS 8 (8.5, 8.5.1, 8.6) so you might want to make that explicit somehow
(e.g., "8.1-8.6, 9, and X" or "8.1-9.x and X" or some such).
