A few things

Steve Roy yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 07 Sep 2004 12:13:37 -0400

On Sep 7, 2004, at 11:12 AM, Geert Janssens wrote:

> That page is very unlikely to contain a version of Thunderbird for PPC  
> linux. You can download a version from:
> ftp://ftp.de2.freshrpms.net/pub/linux/freshrpms/ayo/yellowdog/3.0/ppc/ 
> freshrpms
> At this moment, it's not the most recent (0.6.1, most recent is past  
> 0.7.x by now).
> As an alternative, you could add this url (or any of it's mirrors) to  
> /etc/yum.conf and then use yum install thunderbird.

Thank you. That is indeed how I had installed Thunderbird 0.6.

I wonder what is involved in "porting" Linux software from an x86  
distribution to a PPC one. Why is it different? Is the executable  
format different on PPC Linux than it is on x86 Linux? That can't be  
true. Basically, what needs to be done to the Thunderbird Linux x86  
download to make it work on PPC and who does that?


Steve Roy <sroy@mac.com>
Personal homepage: <http://homepage.mac.com/sroy>
Projects homepage: <http://www.roydesign.net>