YDL 3.0.1 on PB 3400c issues

R. Hirschfeld yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 10 Sep 2004 18:59:06 +0200

> Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 23:13:12 -0700
> From: "R. McFarlane" <ydl@mcfarlanecomputing.net>
>          I haveYDL 3.0.1 loaded and running on my PB 3400c but I have not 
> been able to get my Orinoco silver to load. I downloaded and installed the 
> Orinoco driver but when I insert the card it does not power up. In 
> addition, when I issue the eject command using cardctl, it does not eject. 
> My first thought, is the kernel I am using is not the PCMCIA enabled kernel 
> but I have been unable to figure this out for sure. Can anyone shed some light?

I can't offer any advice specific to a PB 3400c or an Orinoco Silver
card, but here are some general PCMCIA things you can try:

- set PCMCIA=yes in /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia;

- remove the ".o" from "pcmcia_core.o", "$PCIC.o" and "ds.o" in
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia (this is a bug in the startup script);

- remove or rename the directory /lib/modules/<kernel name>/pcmcia if
  it exists and is just full of symlinks.

The presence of the /lib/modules/<kernel name>/pcmcia directory causes
the startup script to use the code with the ".o" problem.  If the
directory does not exist, the script will use other code to load the
modules.  This other code (intended I think for the case of kernel
PCMCIA support, but I'm not sure) does not pass options to the
modules; I don't know whether that's intentional or another bug (it's
the only difference other than the ".o").

Hope this helps,

P.S.  I use kernel PCMCIA support rather than the standalone pcmcia_cs
module, which means that I should be using PCIC=yenta_socket rather
than PCIC=i82365.  I actually specify the latter and it works anyway,
probably because it gets changed to the former by this kludge in the
startup script:

	kernel=`uname -r | cut -d. -f1-2`
	if [ $PCIC = i82365 -a $kernel = 2.4 ]; then
	    kudzu=$(kudzu -b pci -c socket -p | grep yenta_socket)
	    if [ -n "$kudzu" ]; then