YDL on a hopped-up 8600 ... i know it MIGHT, but WILL IT?

Julius Naim yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 11 Sep 2004 09:57:59 +0100

Hi Richard

>> BootX was easy to configure, capture the cache settings etc
>> I did run into a problem booting from my SCSI drive but update the 
>> kernel to
>> 2.6.5 from http://www.ppckernel.org/ and was up and away.
>as far as you know, does YDL v4 "win" you anything? which kernel is it
built on ... (i'm sure its on the site somehwere ...)

I really wouldn't know as I'm just using YDL 3.  I'm waiting for 4 to come
out, as you can see from the site the RC3 is available to the YDL.net
advanced.  It's based on the Fedora core so all the packages should be more
up to date.  Someone who is actually using would be able to tell you but I
presume the kernel is most likely the latest in the YDL Kernel tree on the
link above.  BootX makes it quite easy to try different kernels by renaming
different ones in the Linux Kernels folder in the MacOS System Folder

>> I wouldn't know about the NICs but the ATA card is a definite.
>fair enuf. tho, you don't HAVE an ATA card, do you?  its a true scsi card,
no? or am i mistaken?
>in all your iterations, tho, did you successfully boot from a
NON-motherboard connected drive?  i don't have one ... just the ATA card.

As far as I know you'll find it will boot no problem.  It all depends upon
the kernel you boot from and whether it supports the card.

I'm booting from the internal SCSI and had to update to 2.6.5 kernel as I
didn't know what kernel arguments to give to 
2.4.x kernel for the int SCSI.  I did try to install to the UW SCSI but ran
into problems similar to;
I hadn't found this link at the time so opted for the int SCSI

>> Have a look at netBSD as an alternative option if you're not going to 
>> be using the machine as a desktop but I don't really know the pros and 
>> cons yet, I've got mountains of old hardware and am trying different 
>> options out myself.  I like the fact it deals with the pre v3 open 
>> firmware
>do you, perchance, have a URL for the ppc port?


As your Mac's OF is 1.0.5 like mine it'll default to a serial console so
make sure you've got a serial cable and another computer to run suitable
terminal software.  Printing the install guide is a must as it covers
everything in detail.  A tip, it recommends printing the guide and throwing
away sections that aren't relevant to your machine, do it!  Some of the OF
v3 sections can really throw you off.

Any way I think you'd be better served by YDL

>> Like I say, I'm new to all this just give it a go and see what you run
>> Ta

If you look at the reply to my sound problem there's a link to a great FAQ
site, I think we'll both be making good use of it!

Let me know how you get on!


Say goodbye Mr. Fish!