YDL 3.0.1 on PB 3400c issues

Longman, Bill yellowdog-general@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed Sep 22 17:22:01 MDT 2004

> >PS - I also have "suspend_hack" uncommented.
>          What does this do for us PB users?

It's just knee-jerk superstition but one time I closed the machine and it
never returned from the land of the dead. Since I changed that entry it
hasn't happened. What really irked me about it was that I had had about 270
days uptime on it and was hoping to get to a year!

> Thank you a thousand thank yous!

One hearty "You're welcome!" back to you, buddy. (I'd give you more but I
didn't sleep well last night so my @$$ is really dragging this AM.)


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