"Piping" decoded audio output from one app to the input "file" of another

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Wed Apr 27 21:19:18 MDT 2005

Further to my question on sending files from one app to another...

What I do is download an .ogg stream using wget and stop the download
by killall wget. I'd like to write the name of the file that wget is
creating to a log file and then use another shell script to read the
file name from the log, and, perhaps delete the file name from that
log once processed (i.e. re-write the log-file without the name in

Any ideas? Using grep I imagine but I've not got very far in the
output phase of things (how to write/append a script variable to a
text file is my first challenge).

Thanks, Eric.

On 4/27/05, Cian Duffy <myob87 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Short answer: Yes, just use a pipe (|) to do it
> Long answer: Don't bother, just recompile LAME with Ogg input support
> - its either an official compile option or theres a patch for it.
> oggdec is slow (not that LAME doing it will be majorly), and there is
> a possibility of pipe-starvation, where LAME could be running faster
> than oggdec, and there wouldn't be any file to encode from...
> Cian
> On 27/04/05, Eric Dunbar <eric.dunbar at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm trying to use oggdec and lame to convert from .ogg to .mp3.
> >
> > First I decode with oggdec to a .wav file and then from .wav to .mp3 using lame.
> >
> > What I was wondering is if it'd be possible to direct the .wav output
> > from oggdec *directly* to lame, skipping the intermediate file
> > creation process?
> >
> > Eric.

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