Its not 'multi tasking' anymore? LONG

Andrew virgule88 at
Sun Feb 13 20:01:34 MST 2005

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 21:19, Eric Dunbar wrote:
> Do you need mouse-emulation if you have a four button Kensington
> TurboMouse ADB (on a Beige G3) and have a strong hatred for using
> F10-F12 as "alternate" mouse keys (I'm also a strong proponent of the
> use of multi-button mice and would like to see an Apple laptop with a
> second mouse button, and a scroll wheel at the very least (the new
> track pad is a step in the right direction))?

I can't tell for sure but I think its all about F10 and F11 keys with a
single button so-called mouse. In other words, its used to bind keys as
button functions. Since you have better than such mouse I'd say you can
safely disable this.

> Why would spamassassin be installed _and_ active on a machine that
> isn't configured as an external mail server?

I clicked the 'Install Everything' option. I removed packages I dont
want/need post-install.

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