hopping wifi networks

Rich Baker rich at richandcandy.com
Thu Jan 6 17:56:50 MST 2005

On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 22:02, Neill Miller wrote:
> Bummer.  In my experience (with an Orinoco card), even hopping to
> different networks worked fairly seamlessly, but it sounds like that's
> not the case for you.  Any chance it's not only the essid that needs to
> be set?  Have you tried specifying any other fields to match a
> particular piece of hardware such as the AP address (also in the
> iwconfig man page)?  Or possibly just reducing the sensitivity of the
> card?  Other than those kinds of things, I'm really not sure what to
> suggest.

Well, it looks like it's mostly my fault.  I named my network something
with two Ls, or at least it should have been two Ls... you can probably
guess the rest.

Still, it does hop once in a while, but not enough that it disrupts my
connection much.

Thanks for your help, Neill.  Your suggestion of using iwconfig led me
to find some settings I can tweak.  I'll probably try tweaking the
sensitivity and retry settings.


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