Geert Janssens geert.janssens3 at pandora.be
Sun Jan 9 08:04:31 MST 2005

The full set of sliders in KMix on my beige G3 is:

* Output tab
- Vertical sliders
   - Headphone (with green LED)
   - Bass
   - Trebble
   - Mic Boost (Three positions)
   - PC Speaker (with green LED)
   - Capture (Only one position, way up)
   - Amp Master
   - Beep
- PowerMac Screamer Left/Right Balance slider [across the bottom]

(With the green leds, I can enable/disable Headphone and PC speaker 
outputs respectively)

* Input tab
- Vertical sliders
   - Master (with green LED above and red LED below)
- PowerMac Screamer Left/Right Balance slider [across the bottom]

* Switches tab
- Yellow LEDs
   - Headphone Detection
   - Line
   - CD
   - Mic
   - Auto Mute
- PowerMac Screamer Left/Right Balance slider [across the bottom]

The visible leds/sliders differ apparently from machine to machine, or 
maybe more specifically from soundchip to soundchip.

In any case, I feel the configuration for the Screamer soundchip is 
confusing to say the least, if not plain wrong. I don't understand why 
the Input (meant for recording things) together with the Mic switch are 
needed just to get sound output.
As I come to think of it, I begin to suspect that my system can't 
connect to the normal sound output, but only by making a detour via the 
sound input system, which can connect to sound output. This would 
explain why I need to set the Mic, Input Master and Mic Boost (this last 
one I presume is normally used to send input on the microphone connector 
directly to sound output, as to have a aureal feedback of what is being 

For now, this is just a guess. Hopefully, the YDL team will discover the 
true details. That is, if they are interested and have time to look an 
the PowerMac Screamer implementation. I don't know if the chip is still 
used in some new world systems. If not, I might have to figure out myself.

Anyone know who to contact for this ? Would that be KMix's maintainers, 
(I don't know who's working on the PPC port), or is it the maintainers 
of the PowerMac Screamer kernel module ?


Geert Jan

Joseph E. Sacco, Ph.D. wrote:
> I must be missing something. I am running the version of KDE that comes
> with YDL-4:
>         KDE: 3.3.0-1.ydl.1 Redhat
>         KMIX: 2.1
> When I bring up KMIX I see:
> * Output tab
> -Green LED
> - Vertical  sliders
>         -Master slider
>         -Bass slider
>         -Treble slider
>         -PCM slider
>         -Beep slider
>         -DRC Range slider
> -PowerMac Tumbler Left/Right Balance slider [across the the bottom]
> * Input tab
> -PowerMac Tumbler Left/Right Balance slider [across the the bottom]
> * Switches Tab
> -Yellow LED's
> - Headphone button
> - Headphone detection button
> - PC Speaker button
> - Auto Mute button
> - DRC button
> -PowerMac Tumbler Left/Right Balance slider [across the the bottom
> -Joseph
> =============================================================================

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