Albrecht Dreß albrecht.dress at arcor.de
Wed Jan 12 11:38:03 MST 2005

Am 11.01.05 18:52 schrieb(en) Longman, Bill:
> Albrecht, all the messages I see from you are attachments. Is there a
> reason
> for this?

I always send messages which are signed using GnuPG [1] and sent as a  
multipart/signed according to RFC 3156 [2]. The ydl list processor  
(mailman?) tries to add the YDL list info, but it must have a text part  
for that. So it puts the message into a new multipart/mixed and adds the  
text part. The resulting structure is:

multipart/mixed  <- outer list processor container
   +- multipart/signed <- from my message, see [2]
   |    +- text/plain  <- what I actually wrote
   |    +- application/pgp-signature <- GnuPG signature of my message
   +- text/plain <- YDL list info

Looks pretty complicated, but all up-to-date MUA's (read: balsa [3], evo,  
kmail, mutt, Mozilla w/ enigmail [4], ...) should be able to decode it  

> I summarily delete any messages with attachments.

Why?!? There are better anti-spam rules, if that is your intention ;-)

Cheers, Albrecht.

[1] http://www.gnupg.org
[2] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3156.txt
[3] http://balsa.gnome.org
[4] http://enigmail.mozdev.org

  Albrecht Dreß  -  Johanna-Kirchner-Straße 13  -  D-53123 Bonn (Germany)
        Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  mailto:albrecht.dress at arcor.de
    GnuPG public key:  http://home.arcor.de/dralbrecht.dress/pubkey.asc
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