XFce4 4.2

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Sun Jan 16 20:50:55 MST 2005

On Sun, 2005-01-16 at 22:29, Andrew wrote:

> Actually, this sole screenshot stole my heart:
>  <http://de.lunar-linux.org/xfce4/screenshots/snap_VII.jpg>
> ...the MenuEditor!
> _______________________________________________

Thanks for pointing me (and others) to the screenshot which inspired
you.  You know best why it does so, for me I must confess to being more
of a "minimalist", that is "a less is more" type of person.

A desktop for me is not what I look at, but what I work on.  I may use
the default image or another image of my choosing depending on my mood. 
If I want a show I'll pop in an audio CD and run xine with the goom
plug-in.  Data reported on the xfce desktop is too much monitor real
estate used, in my opinion.

My kind of Art is more in efficient coding in a computer language, not
visual arts.  I do care about user interface design though, and there
xfce.org seems to have done a really smart thing in leaving it up to the
user to decide whether one wants that much data information displayed on
one's own desktop. 

I'm also not into Pastels, too "artsy" for my taste.  I'm more hard-edge
and dark...probably why I like Enlightenment more than other interfaces.
Enlightenment gives me what I prefer and no more.  Just fine for me.

xfce is fine to visit, I just don't want to work on it.  However, I hope
you continue to enjoy it with the same enthusiasm you have for it now.

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