Mac Mini

mascarasnake dontdrill at
Fri Jan 21 10:10:48 MST 2005

Hey ron - In addition to the solutions already posted…

RON FLORY wrote:

>  This is WAY, WAY off-topic, but I have a simple question.  I'm a Linux 
> user
> who is still trying to figure out the quirks of OSX.

The Mac, while being a BSD based Unix system, also tries to appeal to 
the "…for Dummies" crowd (<LongRunOnAside>I have a friend that has been 
running OSX for years, swears by it, believes that there's no better OS 
in the world, but has never opened a terminal in his life; didn't even 
know what it was until I explained it to him, and still has no desire to 
do so - and just a bit of irony, he works sales for Dell</LongRunOnAside>).

>  I created a /opt directory to place scratch files into, but the OSX GUI 
> will
> not display this directory in any file dialog.
>  I discovered with OSX 10.2.x that renaming /opt to /Opt magically allowed
> /Opt to be displayed in the GUI file dialogs.
>  Now with OSX 10.3 even this does not work.
>  Is there a magic trick under OSX 10.3 to allow any/all directories on
> the internal system drive to be seen in GUI file dialogs?
> Thanks.
> ron

The easiest way is as Brian said, edit your '/.hidden' file.

Honestly, till you brought the subject up, and got some great responses, 
I never gave the idea much consideration. OSX come with a CLI command 
called  'open'. If you go to a terminal and enter the command:
	open /opt/
The finder will open up the 'opt' directory.

Open will also let you specify a particular app to open a file with. Say 
you have a Word (hack hack spit spit> .doc file a buddy sent you, but 
you want to open it with NeoOfficeJ:
	open -a /Applications/ list.doc
or to simply open it with the default app:\
	open list.doc
Since it's a *nix process, it's scriptable as well. I have a long list 
of aliases in my .bashrc that allow me to access much frequented 
files/directories by typing in a single command. I rarely use the Finder 
to navigate anymore.

There's a man page for it as well.

cheers, g'luck and all that stuff

     It's what you make it man
     Takes time
     A little bit
     A little bit more

             -The Minutemen

dontdrill at

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