JRE on 4.0.1

Adam W. Lent adam.lent at telemedia.net
Mon Jun 13 22:40:54 MDT 2005

I have made several attempts to install a JRE on the 4.0.1 build, in an 
attempt to get Konkueror to execute Java applets.  I had downloaded the 
IBM JRE 1.3.1, 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 builds, as well as the Blackdown 
Java-Linux 1.3.1_14 FCS (of which the Konqueror web site indicated works 
best).  All have failed to get beyond "Loading Applet " in the Konqueor 
browser window.  Viewing the Java Console, it shows the progress of the 
Java applet being loaded, and in most cases, indicates it being 
complete.  Java detect shows, within console, "display the JRE version" 
number, but it refuses to load the result in the Konqueror browser 
window.  Upon trying to test when logged in as root, I get audio from 
the applet being loaded, but still no change to the browser window. Any 
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks all.

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