rmdir error message?

Robert Story rstory-l at revelstone.com
Wed Mar 2 08:02:11 MST 2005

On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 16:28:49 -0600 Kevin wrote:
KM> ydl 4.0 and I am using the terminal to remove directories and tarballs, 
KM> I can remove them, the tarballs with the rm command, the gz and bz2, and 
KM> the directories with the rmdir command but an error that says 'directory 
KM> not empty appears, is this a simple add a flag or what is the issue???

The issue is that the directory isn't empty. Try running 'ls -a' to see all
files (including the 'dot' files, which aren't shown by default). There is a
flag (-f) to force the remove, but you should check what's in there before you
delete the dir...

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