[RANT] Why is KDE the default in YDL?

Eric Dunbar eric.dunbar at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 18:39:58 MST 2005

> Well, sort of remind me of some discussions about Touchpads and Trackpads -
> the world seems to be divided between touchpad-haters and touchpad-lovers (I
> belong to the former group). The problem is that you can't change the
> pointing device of your notebook.
> You can, however, change you GUI (well - if you're using Linux, of course). I
> must admit I'm hoping that some day we can just get rid of Aqua and install
> KDE atop Darwin, with some Aqua-on-KDE way to continue running the few Mac
> apps I really need.
> Or maybe the MacOS X emulator will have improved enough to get usable - but I
> doubt that.

I must confess that I love the trackpad and *hate* the IBM "stick".
But, my favourite input device is the 11 button TurboMouse :).

As to MOL -- on my deminutive PowerBook G3/400 Pismo with 512 MB of
RAM I am extremely impressed by MOL 0.9.70 (I think that's the
version). There are a few quirks but it is a near perfect solution on
a fast enough machine (Aqua doesn't use hardware acceleration, sound
doesn't work in MOL, I get an unusal error at login (can't login...
please report to your admin... after which it promptly logs in), menu
updates in Mac OS X MOL 10.3.8 aren't always perfect)). On my machine
I have to say it's extremely stable, and, quite usable.

I'm running Ubuntu so things may be slightly different in Debian-land. YMMV.

Surprise... YDL has a very up-to-date kernel vs. Ubuntu Hoary (2.6.9-1
vs 2.6.10-4).


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