Fwd: [ydl-gen] Problem with yaboot/YDL 4.0.1

Derick Centeno aguilarojo at verizon.net
Tue Feb 28 02:04:59 MST 2006

Hi Keith:
I'm unsure whether anyone has responded to you, but I'll attempt an
answer.  First, according to the pdisk dump what you are being told
there is that you probably used Apple's Disk Utility to partition your
drive however you selected the option for Unix, instead of the official
recommendation from Terra Soft that you select the option for Free

You may have skipped over page 2 of the YDL guide.  But don't worry, it
is available (the details you need) here:


Download and read the guide you need and read page 2.  It's a bit
confusing unfortunately as the page on the left is page 9 and page 2 is
immediately on the right.  Likewise the pages above that are page 1 on
the left and page 10 on the right.  Obviously, the intention is that you
print out the manual and arrange the pages properly and then it'll make
an easier read.  However, in this case, we are in a bit of a hurry to
get to the point.

The instructions for partioning OS X begin on page 1 (steps 1-3) and
continue on page 2 (steps 4 - 16).  If any one of the steps are not
understood, feel free to write to this list again.  However, what many
people miss, just like you missed, is step 9 and 10.  In step 8 you can
determine at this point how large each partition will be.  That is how
much will be for OS X and how much will be for YDL.  Disk Utility makes
doing this childs play so that you forget what you are actually doing so
pay attention to how you name and select each area.  I don't recall
whether Disk Utility names the OSX portion for you automatically, let's
assume it does not.  So click upon the top portion and create a name for
that partition.  The second partition however leave as Untitled, and
make sure that the partition type (as instructed in step 10) is the pop
up option called Free Space.  That button is a pop-up because other
partition options are available besides that which you see when you get
to the partition section of Disk Utility. 

All this is what you need to do from the Mac OS X side first.  The linux
installation proceeds after Disk Utility has created these different

The choice to split your drive into Mac OS X on one side and Linux on
the other takes some tedious attention, but it isn't impossible.  Of
course, you have to reinstall OS X from scratch into the new partition
for OS X just created.  You can wait for that later and proceed to
installing YDL as the Free Space will be recognized by YDL as being
available for installation.  You will still have to deal with preparing
each mount point (pay attention to details on pages 4 and 5) written
into that Free Space.  Also you will have to be able to recognize Mac
partitions from Linux sees.

Using parted the partitions when everything is done correctly will look
like this:

[aguila at arakus sbin]$ su
[root at arakus sbin]# ./parted
GNU Parted 1.6.22
Copyright (C) 1998 - 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program is free software, covered by the GNU General Public
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
Using /dev/hda
(parted) print
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-76319.085 megabytes
Disk label type: mac
Minor    Start       End     Filesystem  Name                  Flags
1          0.000      0.031              Apple
2          0.031    128.031
3        128.031  34058.777  hfs+        Apple_HFS_Untitled_2
4      34058.777  38159.574  hfs+        eDrive
5      38159.574  38160.574  hfs         untitled              boot
6      38160.574  38928.574  linux-swap  swap                  swap
7      38928.574  76319.085  ext3        untitled

If you want help from parted; look for where parted is waiting and do:

7      38928.574  76319.085  ext3        untitled
(parted) help
  check MINOR                   do a simple check on the filesystem
  cp [FROM-DEVICE] FROM-MINOR TO-MINOR      copy filesystem to another
partition  help [COMMAND]                prints general help, or help on
  mklabel LABEL-TYPE            create a new disklabel (partition table)
  mkfs MINOR FS-TYPE            make a filesystem FS-TYPE on partititon
  mkpart PART-TYPE [FS-TYPE] START END      make a partition
  mkpartfs PART-TYPE FS-TYPE START END      make a partition with a
  move MINOR START END          move partition MINOR
  name MINOR NAME               name partition MINOR NAME
  print [MINOR]                 display the partition table, or a
  quit                          exit program
  rescue START END              rescue a lost partition near START and
  resize MINOR START END        resize filesystem on partition MINOR
  rm MINOR                      delete partition MINOR
  select DEVICE                 choose the device to edit
  set MINOR FLAG STATE          change a flag on partition MINOR

when you have finished parted:

(parted) quit
Information: Don't forget to update /etc/fstab, if necessary.
[root at arakus sbin]#
Note that I'm using parted to merely check the organization of the
partitions I created.  The hfs+ partitions were created by using Disk
Utility from within OS X.  As well as preparing and creating the Free
Space using Disk Utility (as I explained above); then proceeding forward
with the YDL installation as the manual recommends.

Good Luck....

>         From: Keith Mitchell <kamitch at cisco.com>
>         Date: February 27, 2006 7:36:19 PM EST
>         To: Yellow Dog Linux General Discussion List
>         <yellowdog-general at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com>
>         Subject: [ydl-gen] Problem with yaboot/YDL 4.0.1
>         Reply-To: Yellow Dog Linux General Discussion List
>         <yellowdog-general at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com>
>         Hi,
>         I installed using the YDL 4.0.1 cd's with the following
>         partitioning in the ks file:
>         clearpart --all
>         part None --size=1 --fstype="Apple Bootstrap"
>         part /boot --size=500
>         part swap --size=4096 --grow --maxsize=8096
>         part / --size=4352 --grow --maxsize=6144
>         part /var --size=500 --grow --maxsize=2048
>         part /var/tmp --size=500 --grow --maxsize=2048
>         part /scratch --size=1024 --grow
>         I just tried to update my kernel to a custom RPM that I built
>         and discovered that yaboot doesn't work.  When the kernel rpms
>         install, I see:
>         Failed to initialize HFS working directories: Permission
>         denied
>         ybin: /dev/sda2 appears to have never had a bootstrap
>         installed, please run mkofboot
>         A 'pdisk' dump of the /dev/sda filesystem:
>         Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/sda'
>         #:                type name        length   base      ( size )
>         1: Apple_partition_map Apple           63 @ 1
>         2:     Apple_Bootstrap untitled      2048 @ 64        (  1.0M)
>         3:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled  12578895 @ 2112      (  6.0G)
>         4:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap      16579080 @ 12581007  (  7.9G)
>         5:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled 274011791 @ 29160087  (130.7G)
>         6:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled   4192965 @ 303171878 (  2.0G)
>         7:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled   4192965 @ 307364843 (  2.0G)
>         8:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled   1024000 @ 311557808 (500.0M)
>         I did some investigation and it looks like hmount (called by
>         ybin) does not like this /dev/sda2 partition.  I can, however,
>         use 'mount -t hfs' to mount the partition.
>         Has anyone else run into this?  Is there a fix?
>         Thanks.
>         _______________________________________________
>         yellowdog-general mailing list
>         yellowdog-general at lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
>         http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/mailman/listinfo/yellowdog-general
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>         site:terrasoftsolutions.com'

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