[ydl-gen] Terra Soft Unifies Power Ecosystem with YDL v5.0.2: Announcement 14 June 2007

Kai Staats kstaats at terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Jun 14 09:29:34 MDT 2007

Yellow Dog Enthusiasts,

We are pleased to announce the release of Yellow Dog Linux(TM) v5.0.2, a 
single Install DVD with support for the Apple G4 and G5 computers, Sony PS3, 
and IBM 'System p' servers, including the JS20/21, OpenPower, and current 
POWER5 systems.

Terra Soft's Yellow Dog Linux continues to lead the charge with the most 
stable, functional, and thoroughly tested Linux OS for the Power 
architecture. With forthcoming support for additional, existing and new Power 
systems while maintaining enterprise level support for Mercury and IBM Cell 
blades*, Yellow Dog Linux unifies the Power ecosystem.

Seamless code migration from the former Apple PowerPC product line to the 
latest IBM Cell blades reduces complexity in code development. Identical end 
user experience across multiple systems, from installation to application 
reduces total cost of ownership (and generally helps users feel happy).

Yellow Dog Linux v5.0.2 offers:
	 - kernel 2.6.22rc4
	 - SDK v2.0 for Cell BE
	 - more than 70 bug fixes and updates
	 - continued support for both 32- and 64-bit systems
	 - beta IBM 'System p' support**

The IBM Software Development Toolkit (SDK) for Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) 
is a complete package of tools which allows developers to program optimized 
applications for platforms built upon the Cell BE. The SDK is composed of 
development tool chains, software libraries, and sample source.

Yellow Dog Linux v5.0.2 is immediately available via YDL.net Enhanced accounts 
and the Terra Soft Store as shipping DVD product. A printed Guide to 
Installation is included with each package, appropriate for the product 


* The Mercury Cell and IBM QS20 blades are supported by a Yellow Dog Linux 
Board Support Package available from Terra Soft Solutions.

** IBM JS20, JS21, p5 185, and a quad core OpenPower POWER5 systems have been 
tested in-house at Terra Soft. Additional POWER5 systems built upon the same 
platform and firmware are likely to function without issue. 

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