[ydl-gen] 720p: ps3videomode 3

Kai yavin at gmx.com
Thu Jun 14 12:33:17 MDT 2007

Hey everybody,

yesterday I lectured in the my LUG about the PS3 and YDL and since I
still have no HD-TV i used a Beamer (NEC VT695) to present my slides
with YDL. First I bootet into ydltext and set the ps3videomode 3 (720p)
because the beamer is capable of displaying a maximum resolution of
1600x1200 pixels. The native resolution is 1024x768. After setting the
videomode I ran Xautoconfig and started X.

The strange thing was that at first the desktop area was located in the
lower left corner and the shelf was out of sight. But because the
desktop was shifted in the corner I could access the E17 menu by right
clicking on the background. After reseting the desktop the shelf didn't
appear to and I lost the access to the E17 menu. Additionally the
picture was cut at the left edge and continued on the right side.

Do someone has a idea what I missed to configure X properly? THX
Regards, Kai

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