[ydl-gen] command for hard drives?

Luke Scharf lscharf at vt.edu
Mon Mar 12 07:39:37 MDT 2007

Jim Ricken wrote:
> Is there a command that you can use to find out how your hard drives  
> are labeled hda ,sda,etc?

One of my favorite drive-inventory tricks that I haven't head yet is the 
    ls /proc/ide/*/model
    cat /proc/ide/*/model
    cat /proc/scsi/scsi
    cat /proc/partitions
But, it doesn't tell you the device names right off, you have to put the 
items together in your head -- but that's how I do it.  Running mount 
and df show you what the machine is already using -- if you put that 
together with the information form /proc, you can figure out what the 
new hard drive is called.

Another option for inventorying ATA devices quickly would be:
    grep $ /proc/ide/*/model

If you want a smoking gun, you can ls -l /dev/hda and then match the 
major number to the number in in "cat /proc/devices".  Also, running 
/sbin/lspci, /sbin/lsusb, and /sbin/lsmod can also tell you a lot about 
PCI cards, USB devices, and loaded kernel-modules ("device drivers and 

Anyway, Linux gives you a lot of information about the system -- but I 
haven't yet found a convenient command-line tool that gives you a good 
picture of what the system looks like.  Solaris has prtconf, which does 
provide a full picture (but I usually cause it to produce too little or 
too much output), and Apple has "System Profiler", but that's a GUI tool 
that only runs on Mac OS X -- so I just put together my own mental image 
by probing around manually.  :-)

That's probably more than you wanted to know -- but if you like to 
figure out the machine, these are good tols for the job.


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