[ydl-gen] Java and SPUs

Moore, Randy jrmoore at fgm.com
Wed May 9 00:00:28 MDT 2007


When I first started experimenting with YDL on the PS3 a few months ago, I installed the IBM Java 1.6 JRE/JDK and got the OpenMap GIS application running in a few days time. I was a little disappointed in it's performance, which I attributed mainly to the memory constraints of the PS3.  I noticed that IBM just announced support for Fortran on the Cell's PPU, which will allow calls to SPU code written in C/C++.

I have experimented with the Java Native Interface to C in the past on the Windows platform and was curious if anyone out there has attempted JNI calls to PPU C code that creates threads on the SPU. What would be really nice is an all Java solution that would allow PPU Java code to create SPU threads written in Java. Has anyone heard if IBM or anyone else is looking into Java on the SPU? I realize that memory is a big concern, but JavaME is used in cell phones and other devices (BluRay disc), so I figured there might be some chance that something is being done for the SPU?



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