[ydl-gen] PS3 Wifi on YDL.net Enhanced Howto

Paul Baxter pauljbaxter at hotmail.com
Fri May 11 05:37:34 MDT 2007

>> I've hit a log jam and can't get wireless to work with WPA.
> Might be easier to start debugging the basics first: Can you
> get it working on an Open or WEP network? (if that option is available)
> I don't run WPA, so I haven't tried it.  If I get a chance I'll
> give it a spin.
> -Bill


Did you get a chance to see if wireless was working with WPA encryption?

Still not seen any success stories on my googling adventures.

Owen alluded to the fact that the encryption layer might not be nicely 
accessible near the top layers of the stack so this may be a 'feature' of 
the current driver/hypervisor combination. If so, do you or Owen know if 
this is a current kernel driver issue or in fact a restriction behind the 
hypervisor interface.


Paul Baxter 

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