[ydl-gen] how to install additional libraries?

Derick Centeno dcenteno at ydl.net
Sun Dec 7 09:55:30 MST 2008

Hi Kevin:

Actually the best approach is to use yum  and let it find the  
available package and allow it to find all the available libraries  
for you.  Again yum can be modified so that if points to all  
available libraries - however it is quite possible that the package  
you are looking for is already available and known to yum.  You can do:

yum search packagename


yum info packagename

where yum will tell you what it finds.  Or if it finds it then do:

yum search "packagename*"


yum info "packagename*"

Yum will find for you what packages you are looking for while  
determining whether they will work with your installation of ydl.   
Yum is quite intelligent and fast, but it must be pointing to the  
right servers (see reference below) you wish it to explore to access  
quickly all the relevant information.

Explanation: This form will find all wild card variants associated  
with that package.  Look through the list it provides and select the  
package which interests you.  Make a note of which one you actually  
want installed (or maybe you want all of them) you then do:

yum install packagename

(for that one package) or

yum install "packagename*"

(for all package variants which interest you)

Yum will then simultaneously find and and install all dependencies  
for every package from each server and it will install them only  
after your final approval.  It will determine on it's own what can  
fit into your system as well as the appropriate place it should go  
within ydl.  In the past I modified yum to point to several servers  
across the planet - I found it always fascinating to watch it do it's  
work in minutes or sometimes seconds (downloading, testing,  
installation, etc.) all as I watched or complete it's work while I  
went to another two or three windows to work on a spreadsheet or  
other projects I ran at that time.  Any human trying to do the same  
thing would take hours -- easily.

You could use also use yum to search for those libraries you wish to  
install.  As long as the yum repositories are aware of the servers  
you want searched you should have no trouble having libraries or  
packages installed properly into ydl.  Yum will do the cross-checking  
for you saving you from a lot of headaches.  I haven't had the need  
to do this myself in sometime but in general review this page:


Suggestion don't do yum remove for any reason.  Yum is so intensely  
thorough that in removing a package you may name it will also remove  
all packages related to it; in the past this also included removing  
packages supporting the linux os.  In the past, this happened to me  
more than once until I stopped using yum in that way.  If you must  
remove something use rpm -e packagename instead where packagename is  
that package you wish removed.  Better safe than sorry.  I have no  
idea if yum has been modified so that the yum remove invocation  
doesn't behave that way; as I use ydl as my primary work system I  
have no interest to test this issue myself as I already understand  
the workaround.

The bottom line is that the package you may be interested in may  
already exist within the ydl universe.  Using yum to search for it is  
one very fast and efficient way to determine how you then proceed.   
If it is, then again yum already knows where to find all the  
necessary dependencies for it leaving you free to do something else  
more essential.

All the best...

On Dec 7, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Kevin McMahon wrote:

> I am installing an application via red hat and it has asked me to  
> install some missing libraries. How do I install them, the commands  
> that is?
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