[ydl-gen] how to install additional libraries?

Derick Centeno dcenteno at ydl.net
Sun Dec 7 10:22:20 MST 2008

Apologies for not actually addressing your question earlier.  However  
if you insist on not using yum, you will have to independently  
determine which package and dependency is which and whether there is  
a version supporting that package for powerpc systems which run ydl.   
After that you can then have to be familiar with determining whether  
the dependency you need is in the correct binary format or whether it  
is in source.  If it is in source you will have to compile each  
dependency as there may not be a powerpc or cell version of it.

Having completed the above then you have to install it.  If you  
acquired the correct binary then you can use:

rpm -ivh packagename

rpm will warn you if what you are installing conflicts with whatever  
already exists.  You need to be skilled enough to understand that you  
may be destabilizing your own ydl system by installing the wrong  
package in the wrong order and/or installing a newer package which  
doesn't match the other dependencies already installed.  rpm cannot  
warn you of that.

Final note:  In case you are not aware there is something called  
dependency hell.  Dependency hell is the intricate discovery of the  
inter-relationship of many different widely dispersed libraries  
across different servers which may or may not be in existence or  
available for the powerpc/cell based systems and that you have to  
know enough how to find/compile/link them all together in the right  
sequence so that the application you do want can function.

Yum of course, can determine all the above for you.

Best of luck...

On Dec 7, 2008, at 10:15 AM, Kevin McMahon wrote:

> I am installing an application via red hat and it has asked me to  
> install some missing libraries. How do I install them, the commands  
> that is?
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