[ydl-gen] wont install

Derick Centeno dcenteno at ydl.net
Fri Mar 21 20:16:24 MDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

The official public mirrors which hold or maintain YDL are listed here:


Unfortunately the net being what it is it is all too easy to find a bogus site
offering a compressed or unofficial version of an .iso.  It is also possible to
find misinformation regarding media check sums.  One strategy cutting through
both difficulties is to choose an official public mirror listed directly (and
only in the above list) or become a member of ydl.net.  

For the sake of simplicity, let's assume one of that the mirror I'm choosing to
use as an example is close to your physical location.  By clicking upon the
official public mirrors or by clicking here on this link we can then click upon
the .iso directory within that mirror:  http://mirror.anl.gov/yellowdog/

You'll notice the files SHA1SUM and SHA1SUM-HOW TO be sure these contain
important means of determining the quality of the .iso you download.  You'll
also notice within that directory one version of the YDL 6 .iso; also note it's
size.  All the mirrors have the same size of the YDL 6 .iso and the same
information regarding SHA1SUM, etc.

When you click upon the .iso containing YDL 6 the download from that mirror
begins.  Don't bother to attempt a download of this .iso unless you have DSL or
better; if all you have is dial-up then buy the DVD from TSS.  You'll actually
get it faster via purchase than waiting for dialup to complete the entire

It is not possible to guess what your needs actually are as your frustration
understandably has driven you to post your pleas multiple times.  I'm not sure
that what I've recommended isn't something you've tried; I'm hoping however
that there is some small detail which I've mentioned which perhaps leads to you
achieving a successful installation for YDL 6.

All the best...

* You downloaded 

On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:40:52 -0400
"Dirty Butler" <Huffahuff18 at aol.com> wrote:

> I have burned 6 copies and all say corrupt data! For the ps3. what the hell
> am I doing wrong!
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