[ydl-gen] Installation fail on Blade JS22

Robert Spykerman robert.spykerman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 18:30:47 JST 2010

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 6:44 PM, Somsak Sriprayoonsakul
<somsak at inox.co.th> wrote:
> If YDL6.2 is really not supported on JS22, could you suggest any free linux
> distribution that support such hardware?
> Thanks,

Hmmm... I guess I would try Fedora. I don't know much about the IBM
linux scene but when I think IBM, somehow or rather RHEL always pops
up as an association, so I guess for a POWER6, maybe fedora as as far
as I know CentOS doesn't exist for it.

Just glancing at the release notes, there is some mention that fedora
12 has been 'installed and tested' on POWER5 and 6 machines but I
don't exactly know what that means.

Did IBM help you out here at all? I dunno if  you know someone there,
maybe they can tell you what specific flavour of linux they recommend
(?RHEL - I have no idea how much this costs though).

Other things I guess, you may have already tried - checking the
install medium, checking the hardware, swapping round / minimising
hardware present, trying to see if you can track the boot to where
exactly it fails etc...  Other than that I have no ideas unfortunately
- I am not sure how the installer actually runs and what it expects to
be honest as it installed my YDL with no problems (PS3 / x86 guy

> Somsak Sriprayoonsakul

R Spykerman

chown -R us ./base

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