Lexmark printers

Ed Smith-Rowland yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 17:35:45 -0400

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I have a Lexmark Z42 printer.
I'm pretty sure this isn't on the list but has anyone had any luck?
This is a color inkjet USB.
I've got YDL-2.3 on an 603 iMac.

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
I have a Lexmark Z42 printer.
<br>I'm pretty sure this isn't on the list but has anyone had any luck?
<br>This is a color inkjet USB.
<br>I've got YDL-2.3 on an 603 iMac.
<br><a href="mailto:Smith-RowlandE@jsc.mil">Smith-RowlandE@jsc.mil</a>
