3 button mouse

Daniel Wilcox yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 07:03:25 -0700

there is a mouse config file in /etc/sysconfig/, in there you can change 
the keys bound to the second and third mouse buttons, it only takes key 
codes so you'll need to use 'xev' to find the keycodes for your mouse 
buttons to be.  i think mine is set to 111 for the second button, which 
is the command keys (both of them, and on the ibook2 they are oh so nice 
for a second mouse button).

moving on, if you want to use your usb off and on you should add it as a 
second mouse in your /etc/X11/XF86Config , for doc on how to do that 
check out www.linuxdoc.org in the mini-howto section listed as second 
mouse i believe.

good luck
