Installing YDL2.3 over 2.2

Pat Plummer
Wed, 14 Aug 2002 20:19:51 -0600

On Wednesday, August 14, 2002, at 12:01 , Christopher Moss 
<> wrote:

> Is this possible, keeping the user information, or is it only possible
> to install by erasing the root partition and reinstalling the system? If
> the latter, is there a faq somewhere on backing up my home directory,
> say to a firewire disk?

It is quite possible and pretty easy as it turns out. Update to the 
latest apt package and then use "apt-get update", then "apt-get 
upgrade". This should work pretty easily whether you have the 2.3 CD or 
plan to grab the files via ftp. It may not update your kernel to the 
latest rpm, but you can do this manually with apt-get or you can use it 
to request the kernel source and roll your own kernel if you want to. 
The YDL site has more info on the use of apt.

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