Power Magagement: Putting a Biege G3 in sleep/suspend mode

Jean Boucher yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 01:02:55 -0700 (PDT)

Has anyone found how to get a biege G3 (OldWorld)
PowerMac running YDL 2.3 to go into sleep or suspend
power-saving mode? I tried reconfiguring the kernel
looking for any reference to APM or Power Management.
All I found so far are the man pages for pmud, which
appears to be only for the PowerBooks/iBooks. Is that
true? If so, dare I hope for an enhancement that will
support PowerMacs other than laptops?

Whenever I run "pmud -d" I get:
pmud[1722]: pmud [treshold = 420, margin = 15] started
pmud[1722]: opening /dev/adb
pmud[1722]: opening /dev/pmu
pmud[1722]: Couldn't open /dev/pmu or /dev/misc/pmu
pmud[1722]: daemon stopped (Couldn't open /dev/pmu or

even though /dev/pmu is there
crw-------    1 root     root      10, 154 Mar 10
08:09 /dev/pmu

Do I have any hope in getting this G3 to sleep? Thanks
in advance.

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