HD partitioning

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 07:17:54 -0700

on 8/19/02 6:44 AM, Marcio Pie at mpie@yahoo.com wrote:

> Hi Chuck, 
> Thanks for your help. Just one more question: is it
> simple to reallocate the unallocated partition? How do
> you do that?

Very easy to do. Just use a formatting program to mount it and then format
it. I use FWB HD Toolkit. It is more money than the Apple utility and it
takes more disk space (10MB vs. 3 MB) but it does so much more and I have
found that it does speed up the HD somewhat.

You can also expand existing HD's if the unallocated area is contiguous with
the area you want to expand. Even if it isn't you can move stuff around to
increase the size of a HD but that gets complicated and not for the faint of
