About to Give up on YDL for PM 6500s

Sverre Sørensen yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 20:20:20 +0200

>on 8/20/02 10:58 AM, Sverre Sørensen at ydl@fmug.org wrote:
>>  BUT, not to be rude, I am a no good UNIX user but I get it to work, I
>>  do however choose manual ip settings not dynamic, it seems to work
>>  better for me.
>I used to program computers back when that was the only way you could use a
>computer so I am no novice to computing.
>But getting Linux to work on my machine is most aggravating.
>I also use static IP's and still can't get it to work.
>You are one of the few that I have talked to that has had a successful
>install and operation.

I have not installed the 6500. I have however installed a 4400, with 
a Asante card and it works fine. I have also installed a 7500 and 
2@7600, and a ANS and it all worked with out any such problems. (the 
ANS gave me some other problems)

I must say that it is pretty nice and easy and I am a point and click 
kinda person.

Sverre :)
Sverre Sørensen
HelioGruppen Norge AS, Tevlingveien 15, 1081 OSLO
Phone:+47 2317 1430  Direct:+47 2317 1474  Fax:+1 4198213014
Cellular:+47 9288 3174    e-mail: sverre@mac.com
http://www.versionmaster.com http://www.norhost.net http://myip.norhost.net
Mac OS X.  Because making Unix user-friendly is easier than debugging Windows.