YDL Video Troubles

Chris Bondelid yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 09:46:55 -0700

On the x86 side of things, nvidia's drivers get you better performance and
3d support.  You still can get higher resolutions though using Xfree's

What does your /etc/X11/XF86config-4 file look like in the "Screen" section?

Here's mine:

Section "Screen"
        Identifier "Screen0"
        Device "nVidia Corporation|NV11 [GeForce2 MX]"
        Monitor "Hitachi CM801"
        DefaultDepth 16
        Subsection "Display"
                Depth 16
                Modes "1400x1050" "1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768"
"800x600" "640x480"

Give this a spin too.  There's only x86 RPMs on nvidia's site but there are
the tarballs (which I always use anyway...)  You might download them and try
to compile/install them.  It may not work though as I don't know how arch
independent it is...  YMMV  : )

If you do get a happy module ('lsmod' || 'cat /proc/modules' and look for
"NVdriver"), make sure to change:

Section "Device"
-->        Driver "nv"
to--->        Driver "nvidia"

to use the new driver.

As I have no nvidia card in my Mac, this is all super hypothetical but try
it and have fun.


University Mechanical