switching from KDE to Gnome

Markus Deistler yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 02 Dec 2002 13:10:16 +0000


The default desktop is set here: /etc/sysconfig/desktop
Open the file as root with any texteditor of your choice and change the lin=


Thus eliminating any further usage of the ressource hog KDE :-))

> The RIGHT answer is probably to edit the startx configuration file,

No, it might be possible, but startx is just meant to be a kind of wrapper
script (for runlevel 3) in order to pass additional options to xinit (and
finally to the Xserver). If you have to use a dumb Xserver (eg. Xpmac)
instead of XF4.x (which can be accurately configured by a file
"XF86-Config-4"), you may set options here.

After xinit has been called from startx, it reads its configuration file
xinitrc, where it is told to read a file Xclients (in /etc/X11) or - if
present - .Xclients in your home-directory or if nothing is there to load a
fallback windowmanager (fvwm2 or twm). The Xclients-script finally looks fo=
etc/sysconfig/desktop mentioned above and loads the corresponding desktop.
You may comment out that part that asks for /etc/sysconfig/desktop, in orde=
to get user specific desktop settings.

> wherever that is. What *I* do is just type, from root gdm or kdm -- one

That's the solution for runlevel 5, *if* GNOME (gdm) or KDE (kdm) is
installed. If you get the "X display manager" ("xdm", easy to recognize: bi=
size, nice xfree86-logo) for whatever reason things have to be set by the
old-fashioned method described above...;


-- =20
|MARKUS DEISTLER                        msdeistler@freenet.de |
|KRIEMHILDSTR. 18, 90461 N=DCRNBERG,     MOBIL -> 0162/6906779  |
|                                        TEL -> 0911/4099232  |