Installing YDL on Firewire disk impossible !???

Markus Deistler
Fri, 06 Dec 2002 01:33:12 +0100


Marc wrote:

I think Firewire-support hasn't been compiled into the installer-kernel yet=
so probably there isn't any easy workaround short of recompiling the

In the "normal" kernel at least (that thing that is going to be used after =
successful install) the firewire is just available as a loadable kernel
module, eg. you have to type something like

# modprobe ohci1394
# modprobe sbp2

[ or try #modprobe ohci1394 && modprobe sbp2 ]

as root, before any firewire-drive can be mounted. If you like to put your
whole /-partition on a firewire disk, you will have to build a customized
kernel which includes the firewire drivers.

> 1. Unfortunately the install process does not recognize the FireWire
> disk and
> installation is impossible...  Is there a workaround for this?
> 2.  Then we decided to install ydl on a partition of a powerbook,
> but see what happens:  The powerbook is divided in two partitions,
> 1 of 7Gb for OS X, 1 for macos9 with 3Gb.  Unfortunately the install
> procedure says it sees a 3Gb MacosX and a 7Gb macos9.  So it simply

7 for OSX, 3 for 9, =3D 10 MB, any free space in addition to that??

Best regards, Markus

-- =20
|MARKUS DEISTLER               |
|KRIEMHILDSTR. 18, 90461 N=DCRNBERG,     MOBIL -> 0162/6906779  |
|                                        TEL -> 0911/4099232  |