Opening files from OSX in Linux

Markus Deistler
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 12:56:27 +0100


Emerson Mounger wrote:

> I have a question for the group.
> How can I open files that are on an OS X or OS 9 partition in Linux?

If you use hfs-standard for MacOS 9 it's quite easy!
HFS (*not* HFS+) can be simply mounted readonly, create a mount point

mkdir -p /mnt/macdisk (or whatever directory and name you like)

then figure out where your hfs-volume sits by running any partition utility
of your choice (pdisk for example), and finally type

mount -t hfs [-r] /dev/sda4 /mnt/macdisk (4th partition of a scsi-disk)

The "-r" is optional because the mount utility cannot mount hfs in a
readwrite-mode anyway, you'll get an error if you try to write to a

You may write to HFS-disks with hfsutils, if installed (type man hfsutils o=
man hcopy or man hmount ... humount hformat, if installed the manpages will
be found...) and if there is an urgent reason to do so, because that
slightly damage the filesystem of your hfs-disk. If you boot into MacOS
later, run Apple's "Disk First Aid" or "Norton Utilities".

I haven't checked whether there is "hfs+"-support somewhere now, I have to
look into that issue yet.


-- =20
|MARKUS DEISTLER               |
|KRIEMHILDSTR. 18, 90461 N=DCRNBERG,     MOBIL -> 0162/6906779  |
|                                        TEL -> 0911/4099232  |