Tulip, Kernel 2.2.19, YDL, and my Comm Slot II Card (Varun Mehta)

Paul McLellan yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 07:14:54 -0500

I too have had similar problems with a 6500 (actually I have 5 of them=20=

that I'd like to cluster in a cms/groupware setup) and each have Asant=E9=20=

NIC-PCI cards. I tried YD 2.3 - nothing, then 2.2 - the same. In an old=20=

thread from last year someone said they got a 6500 to run on 2.1, and=20
since I'm planning on running them headless, I thought I'd give it one=20=

more shot without the GUI. Well, low and behold - Eureka. Besides a=20
couple of minor errors on the install, there is only one big hitch, it=20=

won't recognize my card. Do I need the Tulip driver on this one too.

Anyone else got the 6500's up and running. Any help would be grateful.

Paul McLellan