Tulip, Kernel 2.2.19, YDL, and my Comm Slot II Card (Varun Mehta)

Paul McLellan yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 20:25:34 -0500

I just tried an install with YD 2.1 on another of my 6500's (Asant=E9=20
NIC-PCI card). It worked beautifully. Not even a hitch.
Obviously there is a problem with the card on my previous attempt.

Can anyone tell me how I can update the necessary components (i.e. the=20=

kernel, etc) between 2.1 and 2.3, without having to do a clean install.=20=

Or for that matter is it really necessary. Are there any particular=20
security changes that I should be concerned about.

Oh yeah. I'm running it headless, so KDE/Gnome are not important.

Paul McLellan