Unzipping, unTARing and installing

Andrew McVinnie yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 16:46:39 +0000

Hello all,

I am fairly new to YDL, having started just a couple of months ago with 
2.1 and now I have my brand new 2.3 newly installed.

I have downloaded several pieces of software, such as Mozilla 1.0, but I 
am unable to unGZIP or unTAR them, basically open them in anyway.

Could someone please explain how this works?  On my Tasty Morsels CD 
there are both unzip and tar programs, but i cant get the stupid 
installer (RPM) on the CD to let me install them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Andrew McVinnie