Telnet and FTP - use sshd, wu-ftpd and webmin

Fred Laxton
Sat, 27 Jul 2002 14:26:43 -0400

You don't want Telnet anyway, it's insecure.  Use ssh instead, which is 
included.  You may want to restrict it to ssh version 2, by modifying 
the /etc/sshd conf file.  ssh 1 has some known vulnerabilities.  For 
remote access to your Linux Mac, there are ssh clients for Windows and 
Mac OS 9.  ssh is built in to OS X of course.

What's really cool is to run ssh like:

ssh -2 -X -l username remote-ip-of-the-machine-to-contact

where "-2" uses ssh version 2; -X forwards X windows to YOUR machine. 
So you can launch a program on your YDL box and have it display it's 
graphical window on YOUR machine - very handy!

An FTP server *is* included with YellowDog - wu-ftpd is on the Tasty 
Morsels CD or their FTP site.

While you're at it, install Webmin and use it to configure sshd and 
wu-ftp.  For some reason the webmin rpm doesn't install correctly, so 
you'll probably have to compile it from source from the webmin site. 
Webmin is a fantastic remote administration tool for *nix systems - best 
thing since sliced bread.


Fred Laxton

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> Subject: Telnet and FTP
> To:
> From: "Steve Thompson" <>
> Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:34:17 +0100
> Reply-To:
> I've got my 7600 running KDE on YDL which only took me two days...
> Now I'm there, I've found (or I think this is how I understand it) that I
> can't telnet or ftp to the box without telnet and ftp server software, both
> of which AREN'T included.
> Obviously, I know I can't telnet or ftp to the box without a server. I mean
> that I didn't realise that they don't come with YDL
> Can anyone recommend a telnet and ftp server for YDL?
> Thanks
> Steve