A TOTAL newbie.

l.biagiotti yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 19:19:11 +0200

on 7/29/02 4:47 PM, Brad Lipinski at blipinski@cresteng.com wrote:

> Scratch what I said.  Debian does NOT support NuBus macs.

Hi Brad et all.

Well actually during one of my numerous queries on the net I recall having
encountered some article speaking about a Debian "Potato" release (or soon
to be released), that would run on Nubus PowerMacs, could obviously be wrong
but I think i'm not.

The fact is that I already possess a Linux distro that is said to be
supported on Nubus machines, as I "phisically" own one on cd I'd like to be
able to install and use it. Not that I am not open to any other  suggestion
but for the moment being I'd love trying to understand and solve the
problems I'm facing with YDL before reaching out to inspect other
distributions ... sigh ... I still have to discover the pleasure of seing a
Linux desktop open in front of my eyes.

To tell you the truth, I've been a Wintel user for quite a long time, then I
discovered the mac Os but, the last commercial moves coming from Cupertino
have raised in me the desire to find other alternatives out, but it seems
that I chose the hard way up ... I'd so need a little technical help from
somebody willing to help me on a "step by step" basis.
