KDE 3.0 Install

Michel Letourneux yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 16 May 2002 07:33:04 -0400

Hello Tom,

	I had the same problem with installing KDE3. The "Readme: file says:
         cd /where/you/downloaded/the/KDE3/RPMS
	rpm -e `rpm -qa |egrep ^kde` koffice SDL-devel
	rpm -Uvh *rpm

	Now, here is what did work for me: give it a try at your own risks. KDE3 
is now working fine on my computer (Motorola StarMax).

	cd /where/you/downloaded/the/KDE3/RPMS
	rpm -e --nodeps `rpm -qa |egrep ^kde` koffice SDL-devel
	rpm -Uvh --nodeps *rpm

	Hope that helps,
