2.3 install prob

Hado Hein yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 05 Nov 2002 11:06:14 +0100

Hi all,
I'm new to the list. My name is Hado, my profession is doing stage ligthing.

Anyhow, I tried to install YDL2.3 on my iBook 2002 and the installer says
that it does not find a hard disk at all. Going to the terminal and checking
the mounted volumes it proofes that only the DVDrom is mounted as hdb , but
there is no hda.
The drive itself is already partioned and running x, with a free partition
for YDL. But that does not matter as long the install-cd does not find the
hd at all.

After examing the problem I found out that also a pdisk from an OS9 cd boot
does not find a disk on ata0.n ; The disks are said to be on ata2.n (says
get info from the OS9 finder).

What to do ? I have moderate *nix knowldege back from 1990 about filing and
so; But none about how to mount a disk from a pci device tree.

tia, rgds, Hado.
Hado Hein, Berlin, Fed.Rep. of Germany