6500/250 w/third party ether card and YDL

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 09 Nov 2002 16:56:52 -0800

on 11/9/02 4:18 PM, John Peterson at jpeterso@warren-wilson.edu wrote:

> Does anyone out there know if a NE2000 compatible ethernet card can
> run in YDL 2.3?  The reason I ask is because that is the card I have in
> my PowerMac 6500/250 which I am tryin to install YDL onto.  Help?

Stick with the onboard Ethernet. You can try to install the Tulip driver but
I have found that third party cards can be seen and will ping (
locally but that is as far as it goes.

Chuck Coleman
Put an end to bad service