setting up appletalk + spawning X aps to other X terminals

Marc Coevoet
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 10:11:31 -0800


I seem to have a problem setting up atalk on a ppc.
I can see the server from an imac, but trying to connect gives
error -5002 (?).
I have changed some options in AppleVolumes.default like this
/home/bart/samengebruik/ YDLppc

~	~

This seems to work on my IIsi running netbsd....

Would there be a gui to set up atalk?

The funny thing I did is the following:
1. start X windows on the imac
2. on the imac do xhost +  (this allows sessions from other X stations)
2. login on the ydl-ppc en do
setenv DISPLAY ip-of-imac:0.0
3. execute a command like xterm or even startkde
4. windows spawned from the ydl-ppc appear on the imac..

I have a small 12 inch screen on the Ydl-ppc that is not large enough
to comfortably run KDE.  KDE appears full-screen on the imac...
Things will even go better if you kill the window manager (twm)
on the imac....
