ydl as web server spawns 8 processes, each 8Mb!

James Keeline yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Wed, 13 Nov 2002 11:24:53 -0800 (PST)

I think you will find that each httpd process is considerably smaller
than 8 MB.  On my Red Hat system, the processes seem to be 80 kB 
based on the output of `ps aux | grep httpd`

However, if you want to reduce the number of copies of the Apache web
server which are started, you can edit the configuration file for the
web server (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) and change the value of server
programs in the following lines:

MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20

StartServers 8

You will probably need to change both the MinSpareServers and the
StartServers figure.  Otherwise, if you reduce StartServers to 3
and the MinSpareServers is 5, it will start 5 servers.

After you make a change to the configuration file, restart the web
server.  Naturally all of this needs to be done as the root user.
To restart the web server from the command line you can:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

This will cause the program to re-read the configuration file.

Remember you can always run `top` from the command line to see
which processes are taking up the greatest system resources.

Both the `free` command and `cat /proc/meminfo` will supply info
on how memory is being used.

James D. Keeline

> Subject: ydl as web server spawns 8 processes, each 8Mb!
> From: Marc Coevoet <mcv@wanadoo.be>
> I have installed a ppc as server and see that it spawns
> 8 httpd processes, each using 8Mb of memory...
> I have added the package apacheconf, but do not find
> the way to reduce the number of processes to say 2...
> Where is it?
> I have 80Mb ram on this machine, and easily spawn kde
> to my imac...(ydl in text mode)
> Marc

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