YDL 2.3 on a PowerMac 8600 ...

Marc Stergionis yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 17:14:31 -0700

Sometime around 10:00 AM -0800 on 11/15/02, Chuck Coleman pounded out 
this ditty:
>Old world Mac's are any machine that has a serial port (at least that is
>what I have observed). New world Mac's have G3/G4 and USB/Firewire ports.

The G3 desktop,  minitower and all-in-one all had 2 serial ports and 
no USB or FW.

B&W G3 was the first USB G3 -- and the last of the G3 desktops.

Conversely, the 61xx, 71xx and 81xx had serial ports and may fall in 
the Old World category in some sense, but will not install YDL (or 
just about any other Linux for that matter) with BootX and a stock 
kernel. They require a version of mach kernel built to install YDL 
and virtually always need the Apple MkLinux Booter to install Linux 
and load it at startup.  I think some people have tricked a NuBus Mac 
into installing and running Linux with BootX, but not many.

That said, I *had* gotten YDL2.x (can't remember if it was 2.1 or 
2.2) installed on a  Power 100/8100 clone before I gave it to my 
brother this year. Ran YDL and and KDE OK, not as snappy as my Cube, 
of course.


Many have Montana envy ... the lucky get to live here!
Marc Stergionis
Community Relations & website author
Benefis Healthcare -- http://www.benefis.org
"Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of my employer"