(no subject)

Beartooth yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 14:26:56 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 19:32:38 -0500, "Brett Brewer"
<brett@brettbrewer.com> wrote:

> I usually use the following command on my Mac running OS X to
> connect to my Yellowdog machine.

> ssh -l LoginName IPaddressHere

> It should prompt you for a password, and then you're in.

	I do all my email in pine -- on my ISP's machine, not my
own. (I have a shell account. Eat your hearts out. <grin>) I use
ssh much like that except that I also have to tell it "-p xxxx"
where xxxx is a port number that my ISP uses for this, and yes, it
is indeed a four-digit number. I haven't tried leaving that out;
got it from tech support at the ISP.

	The same sign in works with both OSX 10.1.5 and YDL 2.2

	(Note, which may matter: I have one ISP which I connect to
first, because it provides DSL, and another for the shell account.
So I'm logging in from one ISP to another, not directly from home.)

RR 'Beartooth' Neuswanger <karhunhammas (at) lserv.com>
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Telephone spammers would take every living relative along --
verily, unto the third and fourth generation ....