oh no ...deleted all modules

Markus Deistler yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 22 Nov 2002 01:47:19 +0100


> I did a foolish thing. By coincidence I deleted the whole modules folder.
> Of course I need them back - that's why I thought to reinstall the kernel=

>But : If I load down the latest kernel does this one support all the
> features for PPC which came with the Yellowdog distribution ?

Go to any ftp-mirror of YDL and download and install the rpm-package
"kernel-2.4.19-4a.ppc.rpm", it has all the modules, I think. If you have go=
a YDL-install-CD: That package is there too (/Yellowdog/ppc)..

If you just download a prebuilt kernel from somewhere...then it depends on
how the kernel was build. Usually prebuilt kernels include (and the
YDL-kernels do so, afaik) a common (not the very exotic ones) set of driver=
in the kernel itself, so that any modules aren't necessary for most jobs.
That said, firewire-support and other nice things might be missing...

Another way to get your modules back is to compile the kernel (*with*
module-support!) and the modules yourself. The big advantage is that you'll
get a customized and probably smaller (and sometimes more stable) kernel,
without any stuff you will never need, because when configuring the build
you may decide what driver will be omitted, what driver goes right to the
kernel and what driver is going to become a kernel-module that is just
loaded when it is needed!

-- =20
|MARKUS DEISTLER                   markus.deistler@fen-net.de |
|KRIEMHILDSTR. 18, 90461 N=DCRNBERG,     MOBIL -> 0162/6906779  |
|                                        TEL -> 0911/4099232  |